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Reflection activity: What is technology for?

Reflect on what happiness means to you and what kinds of tech could help you achieve it

Reflection activity: What is technology for?

A critical part of demanding change to a healthier technology environment is considering what future we want to get to. While fixing the problems with social media can reduce harm, imagining something even better can create stronger possibilities. To begin this process, consider one of the most important questions that people spend the least time on.


  • When are you really happy?
  • How do you define happiness?

Happiness means different things to everyone, but many definitions and wisdom from philosophers and religions point to some type of contentment.
A photograph of a young woman smiling and walking through a field
When you’re content, you already have what you need. You’re not seeking anything, and you’re not wanting the moment you’re in to be different somehow.
The deepest contentment comes when we are immersed in an experience that leads us to a place we want to be. We may feel contentment if we skip studying for a test to watch a show on Netflix, but we know that contentment now will lead to anxiety later. When we are deeply content, what is best for us in the moment and what is best for us in the long run feel aligned.


  • What are some times when you’ve been content recently?

Unfortunately, content people generally aren’t good for businesses, which constantly need to show growth to their shareholders. This is where marketing and advertising come in: they consistently demonstrate why last year’s product or trend is now terrible, and why what’s new is the best thing ever.
Most of the media and technology we immerse ourselves in are playing this game, especially social media platforms, which are almost completely funded by advertising. While all of us are pulled into discontentment and distraction, businesses prosper.


  • How would technology that helps you and your loved ones find contentment look different from the technology we have today?

Just as an organism can’t thrive for long in a failing ecosystem, a human can’t thrive for long in a society that is distracted, disconnected, disinformed, and divided. On top of helping individuals find contentment, imagine technology that helps to create conditions for a more equitable and engaged society:
  • We need technology that enhances our capacity for focus, shared understanding, and deep collaboration.
  • We need technology that strengthens our capacity to tackle our biggest global challenges.
  • We need technology that protects our common good and our own wellbeing so we can be of service to each other.
Imagine a shift to humane technology that supports our wellbeing, democracy, and shared information environment, and increases our capacity for problem solving.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user basel abdelbary
    one day we will accomplish that
    (5 votes)
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  • hopper cool style avatar for user Jared Galltan Mendoza
    1. When I am really happy is when I'm accomplishing something like getting a good grade or when I'm doing something like coding that makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled.
    2. Happiness is when you are doing something that makes you feel good whether that is a hobby, spending time with family, or being with friends whatever makes you feel good you are happy.
    3. Times where I have felt content recently is when I got a good grade on my recent math test, completed a lesson on coding (for a class), preformed well when playing a game, and just keeping up my grades.
    4. Technology that helped you and your loved ones find contentment look different from the technology of today is that technology from the past like early phones allowed you to just communicate with your loved ones by contacting them early computers were a novelty that allowed you to explore the web or they let you mess around with the applications and games the software had. Now technology is predatory it gets you locked in their website for hours watching videos or making you try the latest trends it's a distraction and it is now something we use in our everyday lives whether it was to contact someone on the whim or to post something and consume content that sucks you inside.
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Na KiyaB
    1.The internet and digital tools allow students to explore various subjects, conduct research, and access educational materials that may not be available in traditional textbooks.
    2. One way we could improve technology is by creating more advanced machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and computer vision.
    3.The Government could Develop and enforcing responsible policies and laws.
    (1 vote)
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