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What is Khanmigo and how does it work

Learn about the basics of Khanmigo, Khan Academy's AI-powered tutor and teaching assistant. Created by Sal Khan.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to give you a little bit of background of what Khanmigo even is and how you should think about using it. So Khanmigo is an artificially intelligent assistant with many capabilities. It'll assist you with some of the things you've always done on Khan Academy, but it now also allows you to do more things. Now, when you have access to Khanmigo, you're going to see this menu right over here of activities. Now, what happens with these activities is for each of these activities, there's different instructions to Khanmigo in the background to make that activity work really well. So for example, if you wanted to be tutored in math or science, you should go to Tutor me: Math and science. And so this might be a great place to say, "I want to understand photosynthesis." I'm having trouble, "Photosynthesis better." That's a science question, it makes sense to ask it there. And it says "Fantastic, photosynthesis is a cool process. Let's start with a simple question. What do you think plants need to perform photosynthesis?" So this is an activity where Khanmigo, because it knows that you want tutoring in math or science, it's going to do it, but it's not just going to give you the answers. It's going to try to ask you questions and then understand where you are, and then help you fill in any gaps of your understanding. Now, if you go to one of the other activities, say this activity right over here, which is all around helping someone focus. We've actually worked with researchers, and if you do this, it's a good chance it'll help you focus more on things, but here, if you tried to be tutored in math or science, Khanmigo is not going to work so well, because that's not what the instructions for Khanmigo here are about. So if I said, "I want to understand photosynthesis," I think that something weird is going to happen here. "That's awesome, but first, let's get you in the right mindset. How ready are you to study right now on a scale from zero to 10?" So what you can see here is it's not really engaging with helping me understand photosynthesis. It's trying to do this activity that will help me focus, and you could go down to all of these other activities. Each of them have different instructions to the underlying artificial intelligence, to Khanmigo. If you went to brainstorm an essay, but once again you wanted to talk, get tutoring on factoring polynomials, that's not the place to do it. Brainstorm an essay is a place to brainstorm an essay. If you went to the Debate topics and said, "Let's write a story together." Let's go there. So here's a place where you can get into a debate with the AI on a whole series of topics, and you take one side, the AI can take another side, which is great, but if you said, "Let's write a story together," it's going to struggle with that a little bit. "I'm sorry, but I'm here to help you debate on specific topics. We can't write a story together. Let's choose a topic from the approved list and start our friendly debate." If you wanna write that story together. We have things like, we have things like, where did I write? Right here, Craft a story. And so this is a place, you know, "Let's write a story together," which it already knows that you want 'cause you're coming here. "Oh, how absolutely delightful I'm positively brimming with excitement. So each of these activities are going to be good at different things. So look at the activities, look at the directions, and don't try to do anything anywhere. Now, there's a whole other side to Khanmigo. What I've just shown you is our Activities page. But Khanmigo also acts on the side in anything that you're doing on Khan Academy. So let's say that you are working on your algebra. I'm just going to pick a random exercise here. So let's say you are watching, let's do evaluating expressions with one variable and we can start practicing it. And here Khanmigo knows that this is the problem that you're trying to solve. And so when you go here, and let me go into student mode here, 'cause I have a teacher account. If you say, "Tell me the answer," Khanmigo won't tell you the answer, because it is your tutor. But notice it knows what's going on here. "Do you know what to do first when you see 2D plus three and D equals eight?" And I will say, especially if you're getting tutored in something that's math or science heavy, but especially math heavy, this is the better way to get the tutoring, because Khanmigo is able to use an actual Khan Academy exercise, or an actual Khan Academy video. So when we say that the AI can make mistakes, sometimes, it's much less likely to make those mistakes when it's using, or we could even say anchoring, on Khan Academy content that has already been vetted or has already been looked over by experts.