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Translations review

Review the basics of translations, and then perform some translations.

What is a translation?

A translation is a type of transformation that takes each point in a figure and slides it the same distance in the same direction.
This translation maps XYZ onto the blue triangle.
The result is a new figure, called the image. The image is congruent to the original figure.
Want to learn more about different types of transformations? Check out this video.

Performing translations

A figure can be moved horizontally along the x axis and vertically along the y axis.
Translate LMN 4 units in the x direction and 2 units in the y direction.
A translation of 4 units in the x direction results in a shift to the left by 4 units, and a translation of 2 units in the y direction results in a shift down by 2 units.
This translation maps LMN onto the triangle below.
Want to learn more about performing translations? Check out this video.


Problem 1
Draw the image of ABC under a translation by 3 units to the right and 4 units down.

Want to try more problems like this? Check out this exercise.

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